Frequently Asked Questions
All prices displayed on our website include VAT. However, delivery fees are not included and are listed separately at checkout.
To register, click on the My Profile icon at the top right corner and choose "Sign Up." Simply fill in your personal details. Once registered, you'll enjoy benefits like not having to re-enter your shipping details for future purchases.
If you’ve forgotten your password, click on My Profile at the top right corner and select 'I’ve forgotten my password.' Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password.
If you’re unsure about your size, each product page has a size guide that can help you choose the right fit.
If you experience a payment issue, please contact our Customer Service team at or call us at +966 59 991 9777 as soon as possible.
If you suspect that your card has been used fraudulently, please notify us immediately by emailing or calling +966 59 991 9777.
We currently do not offer an exchange service. However, you can return the item and place a new order for the desired product.
Yes, you can return eligible items free of charge within the return period. You can initiate your return request by completing this form or contact our Customer Service team at or +966 59 991 9777 for assistance.
For more details on our return policy, please review it here.
Once we receive your return and it meets our return policy criteria, we will issue a refund to your original payment method. The refund may take up to 14 days to appear in your account depending on your bank or payment provider. Shipping costs will not be refunded.
Occasionally, due to human error or technical issues, a damaged item may be shipped. If you receive a damaged item, please contact our Customer Service team at or +966 59 991 9777 for assistance with the return process. If a damaged item is returned without prior notification, a refund will not be processed.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX credit cards, Mada debit cards, Tamara, and Tabby. Please note that we do not accept cash on delivery.
Shipping is free for orders of SAR 500 or more (total price calculated before any discount code is applied). All shipping fees are in Saudi Riyals. We Cre8 reserves the right to modify shipping fees at any time without notice.
Orders are typically delivered the same day within Riyadh (excluding Fridays) and within 1-5 working days outside Riyadh. Delivery times may vary during sales or special occasions. Please note that delivery is subject to the shipping company's rules and regulations. If you are unavailable at the time of delivery, the date will be rescheduled. We Cre8 reserves the right to modify shipping fees at any time without prior notice.
Yes, you can. Just enter the desired shipping address during checkout.
We deliver to all cities within Saudi Arabia.
To check your order status, go to Your Account and you will see the list of your orders. If you have any questions, please contact us at or +966 59 991 9777.
We strive to fulfill all orders, but unforeseen circumstances such as human errors or IT issues may occasionally prevent us from supplying certain items. If an item is unavailable, we will notify you via email, phone, or SMS, and you will receive a refund for the missing items. For any inquiries, please contact our Customer Service team at or +966 59 991 9777.
We are excited to invite fashion designers to collaborate with us! We’re passionate about supporting creative talent and look forward to potentially featuring your work as part of our curated selection. If you’re interested in showcasing your products across our stores, please fill out the form here.